Dodge Announces 1320 Club for Drag Racers

Dodge Announces 1320 Club for Drag Racers

At the recent 2018 SEMA Show, Dodge announced that they are launching something called the 1320 (quarter mile distance in feet) Club which will provide members with an opportunity to show off their official drag strip accomplishments and challenge themselves as well as fellow racers. The club lives on and offers either a Stock or Modified leaderboard and is available exclusively to US and Canadian owners of late model Dodge Challengers and Chargers. All members will have the ability to create a public profile displaying their vehicles, comment on entries, submit time slips, find the next drag strip to check out and earn digital achievement badges among other things. Decals of drivers earned badges will be available for purchase to display on their vehicles and come in either gray for Stock or red for modified. In order to join, users will have to first create an account on the Dodge Garage website and confirm their vehicle’s year, model, trim, VIN number and a list of modifications if applicable. Once joined, you will be able to do all of the things mentioned previously and submit official times to earn your spot on the leaderboard. To eliminate the risk of street racing, Dodge says that all submissions must be from a race conducted at a sanctioned race facility.